How Your Posture Affects Your Health And How Chiropractor Can Help

One of the key roles chiropractor plays is in helping patients adjust their posture to reduce ongoing pain. Simple treatments, such as spine alignment or orthotics, can make a huge difference to quality of life for individuals who are suffering frequent or near constant discomfort throughout the body, with no clearly identifiable source.

How Your Posture Affects Your Health

Why Your Posture May Be Less Than Ideal

These days, many of us have sedentary lifestyles. We may spend lots of time sitting at a desk at work, and then go home, exhausted, to slump on the couch in front of the TV or our tablets for the evening. For others, our posture can be affected by injuries, while playing sports for example; by conditions like a stroke or cerebral palsy; or through simple foot problems, like fallen arches.

If you’re suffering greatly from stress over a long period, your muscles will often tighten – the ‘fight or flight’ response to danger. This too can cause aches, pains and tense muscles. And if you are suffering from neck or back pain, persistent headaches or aches in your legs, hips and knees, poor posture could be to blame.

What Are The Benefits Of Improving Your Posture?

Good posture will ensure your joints and bones are aligned correctly. It will also help to reduce the stress placed on your ligaments and prevent strained muscles. It will decrease the chances of abnormal wear and tear on your joints. And all this will ensure your body, particularly your muscles, are working more efficiently, so you are conserving energy rather than wasting it unnecessarily. That alone can reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue.

How Your Chiropractor Can Help

When you first visit a chiropractor, they will ask you to outline the symptoms you’re experiencing. They will also take a full medical history, to make sure they have the full story and can identify the right ways to help you.

They will then examine your spine, taking x-rays if they think that will benefit them in ruling out or identifying any specific medical cause for your symptoms. Having all this information at their fingertips, a good chiropractor will be able to draw up a treatment plan, in conjunction with you, to address any and all of the problems you’re experiencing. You may be surprised at the results. Poor posture is often at the root of pain in arms, legs, hips, necks and lower backs, and by finding the reason that you are sitting, standing or walking inefficiently, they can then move onto addressing that.

Chiropractic experts may recommend treatment and exercises to help reduce or remove the cause of the pain you’re experiencing, often with very fast results. But they will also offer sound advice on how to correct your posture for the longer term that will prevent this kind of issue recurring. If your posture or gait is poor because of a medical condition, they may be able to help address the issue with orthotics, such as inner soles for your shoes that will correct any abnormalities and help maintain the correct alignment of your joints and bones.

If you think bad posture may be to blame for the pain you’re experiencing and live in the Romsey area or wider Hampshire, why not book a free initial consultation with Abbey Chiropractic?

Chiropractor in Romsey

"Attending the Abbey Chiropractic Clinic in Romsey was the best thing I ever did for myself. [...] After receiving treatment, I have been pain free for the first time in over a year and a half!"

Mairead Scott-Smyth