Injury Prevention for Skiiers

Injury Prevention for Skiiers

Injury Prevention for Skiiers It’s that wonderful time of the year when many of you will be heading off for a long-anticipated ski or snowboarding holiday. Here are a few tips to help prevent injuries spoiling your fun!! Preparation: fitness, exercise and stretching...
About Orthotics and How They Could Help You

About Orthotics and How They Could Help You

About Orthotics and How They Could Help You Do you have aching feet? Are you suffering from lower back pain or a heavy feeling in your legs? You may put it down to the type of shoes you wear, tiredness or your age, and think that you just have to put up with it. But...
Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Reduce My Knee Pain?

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Reduce My Knee Pain?

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Reduce My Knee Pain? One of the more common ailments people mention when attending our clinic in Romsey is painful knees. Very often, there’s no obvious cause and doctors and patients alike just put it down to wear and tear. Sometimes,...